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Fuzzing Forward: Lowering Barriers to Secure Code with AI

Join our speakers to explore how AI is transforming the future of fuzz testing, automating the entire process—from setup to uncovering, and soon even fixing, vulnerabilities—saving up to 1,000 hours of manual effort.

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Watch On Demand | Fuzzing Forward: Lowering Barriers to Secure Code with AI

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Launch Spark AI Test Agent

About the webinar

Introducing “Spark” Code Intelligence’s AI Test Agent
Fuzz testing is a proven powerhouse for uncovering critical bugs, yet its full potential often goes untapped due to the heavy manual workload it demands. But what if that effort could be a thing of the past?

Enter “Spark” Code Intelligence’s AI Test Agent—a revolutionary solution that automates the discovery of vulnerabilities, bringing the power of advanced security testing, like fuzzing, into reach for all.

Discover how AI is reshaping fuzz testing as we take you on a journey through its seamless automation—from setup to vulnerability detection and even, soon, automated fixes—all while saving you up to 1,000 hours of manual effort.

Don’t miss your chance to see the future of security testing in action!



Inside, you'll discover:

  • How fuzz testing contributes to ISO 21434 compliance.
  • The specifics of cybersecurity validation and verification requirements.
  • How suppliers and OEMs comply with ISO.
  • The benefits of source code fuzz testing, aka white-box fuzzing.

Key topics and takeaways

  • Classic software security tools fall short.
  • White-box fuzzing is one of the most effective methods to uncover bugs.
  • With the AI Test Agent, white-box fuzzing can autonomously discover - and soon even fix - bugs.

What will you learn?

AI-automated fuzz testing: Maximum code security, minimum manual effort

  • Introduction | Welcome to Fuzzing Forward
  • Opening Keynote | Fuzzing Forward
    Overcoming challenges and shaping the future of software security
  • Live Demo | The Release of Spark, our AI Test Agent
  • Panel Discussion | The State of Fuzzing
    Manual efforts, automation, and the future of AI in testing
  • Roadmap | Upcoming Milestones
  • Live Q&A | Wrap-up

Who should watch the webinar?

  • Security Engineers and Cybersecurity Enthusiasts focused on enhancing software security through advanced testing techniques.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Managers who are responsible for the robustness and security of software applications.
  • Software Developers working with C/C++ who want to improve their ability to detect and fix vulnerabilities in their code.
  • Technical Managers and Team Leads who are looking to adopt or expand their team’s security practices and tools.

General information

Khaled Yakdan


Co-Founder & Chief Scientist


September 19th, Thursday


 15:00 CET / 9:00 EDT

Comply with ISO/SAE 21434

Ensure compliance with ISO 21434's validation and verification requirements using AI-guided fuzz testing by Code Intelligence. 

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