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Khaled Yakdan

From simulation to success: the impact of fuzzing in software-in-the-loop testing

Software-in-the-loop (SiL) testing is a pivotal method in the software development lifecycle, especially for embedded systems and critical applications. By simulating real-world conditions and integrating software components within a controlled virtual environment, SiL allows for the early detection of bugs, ensuring higher code quality and reliability. Read on to learn how to introduce SiL testing in your project. 


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Understanding Software-in-the-loop (SiL) testing

Software-in-the-loop (SiL) is a method of testing and validating code in a simulation environment in order to early and cost-effectively catch bugs and improve the quality of the code. SiL allows for early detection of bugs, ensuring higher code quality and reliability. This approach significantly reduces development costs and time by identifying most of the issues at an early stage, thereby minimizing the risk of expensive recalls and post-deployment failures and hardware-independent issues.

SiL testing facilitates comprehensive validation of software functionalities under diverse scenarios that may be difficult to replicate in physical environments. This approach includes several key components, such as the software under test, simulation models, and the hardware interface. 
To conduct SiL testing, you first create a comprehensive model that accurately represents the system or component with which the software will interact. This model typically includes the relevant physical and environmental factors the software needs to respond to. By incorporating these factors, the model is able to emulate real-world conditions and scenarios. Once the model is established, the software is integrated, forming a combined system that can be tested using simulation techniques. The simulated environment allows for the execution of a wide range of test cases, including typical and exceptional scenarios.

Software-in-the-loop (SiL) testing is a critical tool across many industries, especially those involving complex, safety-critical systems. By allowing early and thorough testing of software in a simulated environment, SiL helps ensure high reliability, safety, and performance, while also reducing development costs and time to market.

Industries benefitting from SiL testing

Software-in-the-loop testing is conducted in the early stages of the software development process and is extensively used in various industries, particularly those that involve complex embedded systems and require high levels of reliability and safety. Here are some of the key industries where SiL testing is commonly used.

1. Automotive Industry ● Control Systems: SiL is used to develop and test engine control units (ECUs), transmission control systems, and other vehicle control systems.
● Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): SiL helps in validating algorithms for features like lane-keeping assistance, automatic braking, and adaptive cruise control.
● Autonomous Vehicles: For testing and refining the software algorithms that enable autonomous driving features.
2. Medical Devices ● Diagnostic Equipment: SiL helps in developing and testing software for medical diagnostic devices, ensuring accurate and reliable performance.
● Therapeutic Devices: For validating control software in devices such as insulin pumps, ventilators, and other therapeutic equipment.
● Regulatory Compliance: Ensures that software meets the rigorous standards required for medical devices.
3. Aerospace and Defense ● Flight Control Systems: SiL is used to test and validate software for aircraft control systems, ensuring they meet stringent safety standards.
● Avionics: To verify the software used in avionics systems, including navigation, communication, and monitoring systems.
● Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): For developing and testing control software for drones and other UAVs.
4. Industrial Automation ● Robotics: SiL is used to develop and test software for industrial robots, ensuring precise control and coordination.
● Process Control: For testing control systems used in manufacturing processes, including programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and distributed control systems (DCS).
● Machinery: To validate software controlling machinery and equipment in various industrial applications.
5. Consumer Electronics ● Smart Devices: SiL is used to test the software in smart home devices, wearable technology, and other consumer electronics to ensure they function correctly and interact seamlessly with other devices.
● Embedded Systems: For validating software in embedded systems found in a wide range of consumer products.
6. Telecommunications ● Network Equipment: SiL is used to test the software in network devices like routers, switches, and base stations, ensuring robust performance and reliability.
● 5G and IoT: For validating control and communication algorithms in 5G networks and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
7. Renewable Energy ● Wind Turbines: SiL is used to test and optimize control algorithms for wind turbine systems.
● Solar Inverters: For validating software that controls solar inverters and other renewable energy systems.
● Smart Grids: To develop and test software for smart grid technologies, ensuring efficient and reliable energy distribution.
8. Rail and Transportation ● Train Control Systems: SiL tests the software in train control and signaling systems, ensuring their safe and efficient operation.
● Public Transport: For validating software in various public transportation systems, including buses and subways.
9. Energy and Utilities ● Grid Management: SiL is used to test software for managing electrical grids, including load balancing and fault detection.
● Oil and Gas: For validating control systems used in exploration, drilling, and production operations.

What is Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)

When you’re dealing with SiL, the embedded software is the main thing under test. In the case of HiL, you are testing the system with the hardware and have both the software and hardware under test.

Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing is a technique used to test and validate the behavior of embedded systems by integrating real hardware components into a simulation environment. In HiL testing, the hardware under test (HUT) is connected to a real-time simulation that replicates the physical environment and inputs that the hardware would encounter in actual operation.The overall purpose of HiL testing is to verify and validate that automotive products are operating as intended.

Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing, while invaluable for validating embedded systems, faces significant challenges. When bugs are uncovered by HiL, it takes a lot of time to provide feedback to software engineers and implement fixes. The high cost of specialized equipment and ongoing maintenance presents a major financial barrier. Setting up and configuring HiL environments is complex, requiring detailed integration of hardware and simulations. Additionally, scaling HiL testing for large projects or multiple systems is resource-intensive and often impractical due to the need for duplicated hardware resources. That’s why companies benefit from introducing Software-in-the-loop testing, which can be more cost-effective and enables earlier detection of issues.

The benefits of SiL testing

SiL testing has several advantages over HiL testing.

1. Early Detection of Bugs

SiL testing allows for the early detection of software bugs and issues in a simulated environment before integration with hardware. This enables developers to address problems at an early stage, reducing the likelihood of costly fixes later in the development process.

2. Cost Savings and Time Efficiency

SiL testing is more cost-effective than hardware-based testing methods, as it does not require expensive physical hardware components. This reduces development costs associated with hardware procurement, setup, and maintenance.
It also speeds up the development process by enabling rapid iteration and testing of software algorithms. Developers can quickly validate software changes and improvements without waiting for hardware availability or setup.

3. Reusability of Tested Codebase

SiL testing offers flexibility in testing various scenarios and conditions without the constraints of physical hardware. Simulation models can be easily modified and reused for different test cases, saving time and effort in test setup.

4. Security and Safety Risk Mitigation

SiL testing allows developers to safely test software under hazardous or extreme conditions that may be impractical or unsafe with physical hardware. This helps identify and mitigate risks early in the development process.

5. Measurable Results

SiL testing enables comprehensive test coverage and other test metrics by simulating a wide range of scenarios, inputs, and environmental conditions. This ensures thorough validation of software functionality and performance before deployment.

Challenges in SiL testing

To be able to enjoy all the benefits, companies have to overcome a few common SiL challenges. 

  1. Simulating the behavior of real hardware components in a virtual environment can be complex and may require detailed modeling and simulation techniques. Ensuring that the virtual environment accurately reflects the behavior of the physical hardware is crucial for effective SiL testing.
  2. Embedded systems typically operate in real-time environments where timing and responsiveness are critical. Ensuring that the SiL environment reflects real-time constraints and complexities is essential for meaningful testing results.
  3. When your software has to work on various hardware, you need to be able to simulate all these types of platforms to test its behavior. 
  4. Ensuring that SiL testing adequately validates the software against the intended hardware platform can be challenging. There may be discrepancies between the SiL environment and the actual hardware, leading to potential issues during integration and testing on physical prototypes.
  5. Achieving comprehensive test coverage to validate all possible scenarios and edge cases can be challenging. Identifying and prioritizing critical test scenarios is essential to maximize the effectiveness of SiL testing.

How to enable SiL with fuzz testing by Code Intelligence

Code Intelligence specializes in security testing for embedded software and enables software-in-the-loop testing for C/C++ projects. With the help of AI, CI Spark by Code Intelligence assists embedded software engineers:

  • by automatically identifying the most critical APIs, functions, or interfaces that should be tested, 
  • and by mocking or simulating hardware dependencies.

When your software has to work on various hardware, you need to be able to simulate all these types of platforms to test its behavior. Mocking helps with that as well. If you use CI Spark by Code Intelligence to mock hardware dependencies, you can simulate any kind of hardware automatically.

Code Intelligence leverages white-box fuzz testing that analyzes the source code and executes a program with thousands of invalid, unexpected, or random inputs, uncovering critical vulnerabilities, edge cases, or even causing application crashes. 

Blog 'From simulation to success' - Visual 'Identifying bugs'

Uncovering critical vulnerabilities with CI Fuzz

Thanks to source code access, Code Intelligence’s fuzz testing can calculate code coverage and continuously execute tests to detect additional paths to achieve up to 100% code coverage (excluding dead or unreachable code). 

Blog: From simulation to success - Visual: Code coverage

Code coverage report. Lines that were fuzzed are colored in blue

How to start fuzz testing

Would you like to know more about fuzzing and how it enabled SiL testing across automotive companies and manufacturers?

Book a free product demo to find out how fuzz testing by Code Intelligence can help you:

  • Automate software testing for embedded systems.
  • Detect critical bugs & vulnerabilities early in the development.
  • Uncover only actual issues without false positives.
  • Enable developers to reproduce & fix issues in minutes, not weeks.
  • Ensure compliance with industry standards.